Is Online Gambling Harmful?
Online Gambling is one of the fastest growing segments of the Internet, offering users the opportunity to wager on anything from casino games to sporting events. As it spreads, so too do concerns over its potential to increase gambling-related problems and addictions. However, despite these concerns, few effective screens or preventive measures are in place to limit participation among young and vulnerable individuals.
The ability to place large wagers, the ease with which gambling can be continued, and the instant feedback on results have raised concerns that Internet gambling could contribute to excessive gambling [1, 2]. Furthermore, for problem gamblers, the integration of online and offline gambling may increase risk-taking behaviours – such as increasing the amount of time spent on a particular activity – and increase exposure to advertisements for gambling products.
Some of the main problems associated with online gambling include fraud and addiction. Fraudsters can use gambling websites to steal information on credit cards and other payment methods used for gambling. This can lead to a loss of money and can even affect personal relationships. In addition, some gambling sites can be used to promote other illegal activities such as prostitution and drug consumption.
Addiction to gambling is often a sign of other underlying issues that can be caused by various factors, such as a lack of self-control and difficulties coping with stress or depression. Studies have found that these problems can be exacerbated by the use of online gambling. A number of studies have also found that people who engage in online gambling are more likely to develop a gambling disorder. This is especially true for adolescents, who are more susceptible to becoming addicted to gambling.
A number of governments have attempted to regulate the growth of online gambling, but in some cases, they have not been successful. For example, in the United States, online gambling is legal in some states and provinces, but not others. In addition, the US federal government has proposed legislation that would make it a crime for anyone to knowingly use an interstate or foreign telephone system to transmit information relating to placing a bet or wager on a game of chance, but this bill has not yet passed. In addition, the US Department of Justice has threatened to press Google and Yahoo! to remove online gambling ads from their websites. This is based on the argument that the Wire Act regulating telephone betting applies to online gambling as well. This has been met with strong criticism from the industry and from the public. Moreover, the Department of Justice has not provided any evidence that online gambling is in violation of the Wire Act. In addition, many of the operators that offer online gambling are not sharing data with regulatory bodies or implementing strategies to detect and monitor at-risk gamblers. As such, any preventative action is largely reliant on operator-initiated initiatives. Nevertheless, some states and territories are trying to introduce additional protections for online gamblers.